Thursday, January 8, 2015

Following Along on My Journey

Hi all!!  I am inviting you to follow along on my journey of finding the missing links in my hyper child, T.  The journey for us started when T. was 3 1/2.  He is now 7 1/2.  T has always been on the move!  He was the toddler that jumped up and down instead of standing still.  He would flap his arms if he didn't get his way.  When T would get in trouble, he would throw a tantrum and hold his breath until he passed out.  Lovely, huh?! 
I remember the first time he did that.  We were at Babies R Us and he had a package in his hand and started chewing on the package.  He was able to pull a small section of cardboard off and had it in his mouth.  I had to open his mouth to get it out.  He started crying but made no sound.  He held his breath, turned blue, and then finally started screaming.  I almost started CPR on him!!! 
Fast forward to now, T is in first grade and doing well.  He has been through occupational therapy, chiropractor services, essential oils, etc. and so on.  I plan on doing my best of blogging through everything that I have tried for him up until now.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 


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